In the spirit of New Year, I have been reflecting on my blog
(and my inability to update it regularly). I think the posts I write are much
better when they are more focused and less like a long account of all the
frists I’ve fitted in during the ridiculous amount of time I have left it since
I last updated…. But here’s a nice long and waffly update for you anyway on all
the firsts I’ve fitted in since December…
Knit Something
George modelling the Mo |
The one phrase that keeps begging to be written is this:
Knitting is hard! Teaching myself to knit was much more difficult that I
expected. Being the kind of person that
I am, the less practically-gifted, more ‘I like reading about stuff’ kind of
person, I thought the two brief ebooks I downloaded would be enough to get me
on my way. It turns out you actually can’t learn practical skills like that.
Who knew? It takes patience and practise. And a few instructional Youtube
videos to give you a visual example of how your hands should move...
So, I did practise and I did try and stay patient. And,
despite numerous failed attempts which, as I did not know how to correct
mistakes, meant I had to start from scratch, I now have a lovely little
Movember Mo to show for my efforts. The only real downside was that it was well
into December by the time it got finished.